Hotels Sofitel Moorea Ia Ora & Bora Bora Marara Beach Resorts

Modifications on Child Policy & Transfers Rates

MOZ Sofitel Moorea SUP OW Bungalow1From June 1st 2016, for all new booking with a stay at Sofitel Moorea Ia Ora & Bora Bora Marara Beach Resorts, children under the age of 12 years old will not be accepted in the Overwater categories. In addition, on the same date, Sofitel Bora Bora Marara increases the 2016 rates of its boat shuttle transfers from/to Bora Bora airport. This increase of about 26%, is applicable on all new bookings.

2016-05-27T10:58:37+00:00 May 27th, 2016|Uncategorized|